What do I need to do to prepare for an interview?

Once we have reviewed your application, and we are interested in interviewing you, we will send you out an email informing you that we are interested in doing an interview via Zoom (or for people from Ireland we might offer you a face-to-face interview in one of the universities during our Ireland interview week – usually in March/April).

You will be asked to complete a pre-interview form which will require you to complete some more questions before the interview and for you to state some days and times you can do an interview via Zoom. Once we have that information we will get back to you in 24-48 hours with the exact time of the interview.

Before doing the interview you should make sure to:

  • Read the job profile for the position your are applying for fully. Make sure you are ok with things like the dates, wage, etc.
  • Do the pre-interview reading (certain manuals). You can go here to see what is required for you to read before your interview. You will be asked questions on this in your interview and if you haven’t done it we will re-schedule the interview.
  • Ensure that you have a good place, computer, Zoom connection before the interview so that you can show yourself off in the best light!