Can I Work with My Friend?

We think that it's great that you want to come out with your friend! However, please bare the followiing in mind: 

  1. Although we understand that you would want to work with your friend, we CANNOT guarantee that will happen. We won't decide on what camps each person will work on until May/June and will decide this based on the needs of the camp and what staff suit what camp. It is very possible that you will work on a different camp to your friend. 
  2. All camps will have training together in El Puerto de Santa Maria. If you and your friend end up getting jobs, but in different camps, you will still be able to travel together to camp and be together for the first week.
  3. Summer camp is full of like-minded people of a similar age and similar backgrounds to you. You won't have a problem finding friends! 
  4. If working with your friend is more of a priority to you than getting the job of a lifetime, then maybe we aren't the place for you. Working on camp is such a magic experience, but at the same time so all-consuming that it requires people who are ready and determined. If your focus is more on being with your friend, than being a great leader and educator of your kids this summer then maybe this isn't the right thing for you. Summer camp is short!