Obtaining a Spanish Social Security Number for Work

In order to work in Spain legally in our type of industry there are two main category types:

  1. Student Exchange - This applies to a small amount of staff who might have specfic conditions like doing an internship, coming on an Erasmus agreement, assistant monitor, crew member, etc. Student Exchange contracts do not need a Spanish working social security number
  2. Spanish contract - The majority of our staff will be registered with a Spanish contract and will need a Spanish working social security number or "Numero de seguridad social de trabajador“. This article should help you with the steps needed to take place: 

If you are working on camp with a spanish contract, then the first thing to do is figure out what documents you need to send us:








Description of documents needed:

1. Colour copy of passport - We need a colour scan or photo of the photo page of your passport. Make sure that the entire page is visible and that all text and images are clearly visible (Not covered, avoid glare from flash, etc.). 

2. Colour copy of DNI / NIE / TIE - We need a colour scan or photo of both sides of your DNI / NIE / TIE. Make sure that the entire page is visible and that all text and images are clearly visible (Not covered, avoid glare from flash, etc.). 

3. Authorization 

For those of you who need to be registered in the Spanish social security system in order to be able to legally work, TECS will organise to do this for you. In order to do so you will need to complete and sign a document in order to authorize our labour lawyers to request this for you. You can find the blank document that you need to complete and sign below. There is also an example document with instructions in English below it: 

  • Authorization document to complete - here.
  • Example Authorization document with instructions - here

4. TA1

The actual document that needs to be completed by you in order to register is called a TA1. The document is an official govermental document and so must be completed in Spanish and signed by you. Please find the blank document below, as well as an example document completed with with instructions in English below it: 

  • TA1 Document to complete - here.
  • Example TA1 document with instructions - here

If you have any doubts then please check with us by emailing employment@tecs.es.